Cloudsoft Cashflow Solutions

Cashflow woes turned into whoas!

As we work with our clients a theme continues to arise. Despite the 2024 trend of “Survive to 2025” it just isn’t true. Businesses are still struggling. Cashflow remains a major problem and accessing finance is bloody hard.

We have the accounting tools to help clients understand where the cashflow issues are. We can help them plan a better path forward to ensure they stay on track. What we generally haven’t been able to help with is plugging that cashflow hole.

We love finding solutions for clients and thought about how we can help. We have spoken to a bunch of lenders and have some good news. We’ve found a few that are willing to provide the help businesses need. Whether it is something like vehicle finance or cashflow finance we have contacts that want to help. All you have to do is pick up the phone, give us a call and we will find do our best to find the right lender for your circumstances.

Not only is Cloudsoft providing Accounting Solutions, we think we can do a fine job at finding cashflow solutions as well!

The Cloudsoft Accounting Services Free Trial

Over the years I have had many conversations with prospective clients, some have gone on to become clients and some haven’t, that is just the nature of business.

One thing that has always stuck with me is the misconception that it is hard to change Accountants. It is actually very easy to change Accountants and once the engagement is signed, it is the Accountant that handles the switch over – from writing to the old Accountant to handling any paperwork or software transfers. The other side of it is the idea that “it is better the devil you know”, essentially the switch is an unknown quantity because the initial conversation was great but is this going to be an Accountant that actually delivers or is this just another that is full of empty promises (much like your current Accountant).

To make the change easier I have come up with a bit of a risky concept. An Accounting Services Free Trial – something you will rarely see from an Accountant. This service is designed to give you access to Cloudsoft Accounting services without the need to change from your current Accountant and it will be free of charge. The free trial will be for a period of 1 month and will allow any prospective client to speak to us, have meetings, review their software and accounts and get any advice they might need without having to pay a cent and without needing to leave the current Accountant. At the end of that month you can sign on as a client or keep using the current Accountant (without them ever knowing you were thinking of leaving them).

As with any free trial there are of course some conditions. We cannot complete financial statements, tax returns, cashflow forecasts, etc during that month as you would need to be an active client for us to provide those services. But for general advice and queries we think this is a great way to dip your toes in and get a feel for whether we would work well together.

Welcome to Cloudsoft Accounting

We are excited to relaunch the Cloudsoft Accounting website with a fresh new look!

I could have spent the New Year period enjoying the Cricket (which I did) but I also thought long and hard about the website. When I launched the website in April last year it was there essentially as a placeholder. It served the purpose of building an online presence, but it wasn’t entirely what I imagined it would be. Fast forward to now and the new site is more in-line with what I wanted it to be, something that is more fitting of the Cloudsoft brand.

This very blog will be a work in progress but overtime I intend to fill it with useful tips, things I’ve learnt from my time as an Accountant and in business, plus tax updates and hopefully answering some common misconceptions or questions that clients may have.